How to use TribalMatrimony APP/Website to find a life-partner?

Profile Registering on TribalMatrimony website or APP

The first and foremost thing is to create your profile on TribalMatrimony. The process is not at all difficult. All you need to do is fill out information regarding yourself such as your name, educational qualification, preferences, likes and dislikes, contact number. When you are creating your profile, it’s suggested that you refrain from entering any unreal data that may cause trouble later on. Be honest in telling about yourself and your preferences. After registration you will get TribalMatrimony Registration ID (e.g TM4032).

Login on website or APP

After registration you may login with the help of TribalMatrimony Registered ID (e.g. TM4032) or with your registered email. For any issue regarding login, please call/WhatsApp on this official number 9110128490.

Selection of Membership Package

Once you have registered yourself with a TribalMatrimony website or APP, you will have to choose a package of membership offered. All the packages come at different costs, and you are free to select the one that suits you.

Presently we offered Three Packages, Silver membership, Gold Membership, & Aguwa Package. Silver and Gold Package are self-managed plans where you get profiles i.e. members registered with TribalMatrimony. After paid membership you may contact them though Call, WhatsAPP,  and TribalMatrimony inbuilt Chat. [For Aguwa Package details, please contact us]


Match-making begins only after you have taken a membership plan and paid for it. It’s a process where prospective grooms and brides start a search for their partner by viewing their profiles and contacting through phone or chats.

How to Search for the Right One

Once you have registered and become a member, you start to search the perfect partner you dream of marrying one day. But, how do you know you are looking for the correct person? To ease your search process, we offer search options wherein you can type in your preference and get results matching them. Some of these results may match with your qualification search, while others may match with your occupational search and many more options.

How to Get the Best Results

Using TribalMatrimony Website/APP helps you to search and select the best options, unlike personal contacts or brokers. After you start with matchmaking, and your search continues for a life partner, you can shortlist a few preferred profiles using filters like age, family background, education, lifestyle etc.

Go through them again and again, and afterwards, forward them to your parents or relatives for getting their opinion as well. Doing this ensures better results as you can get a firsthand opinion from people that will speak truth from their hearts. Also, make sure to use a good profile picture as it increases your chances of success.


  25th August, 2022